Entry #17 – Our habits. Don’t chase, change.

How do you feel about your 1 percent of successes and your 1 percent of failures. I’ve been on this thought for as long as the ice had taken to melt into my cold drink and I can’t help but wonder how did I become someone that craves communication just the way I crave understanding, when I think about this sentence I dive into my immediate life growing up, I think about how I had felt in situations that were hurtful to me but never the less they were also the truth, I thought about how my behaviour when hurt is similar to when I feel angry or unheard, I am learning the best ways to break out of this formation on thinking trying to outlook past my emotions seeing hurt and seeing the truth at the same time, feeling unheard and thinking patience, when we navigate to take up space like we have taught ourselves this whole 27 years we can’t help but direct the happenings by giving them their solution, we don’t like to ponder too often we are do’s which means after I have given breath to air I move, being stagnant has never been a quality that rests well inside of me, I too have spaces into myself that find room in our home that play into our fears and we sit with them sometimes, we welcome them even and in the end we become someone we do not recognise anymore, we will always notice our faults and we will always notice our strengths as best as we are learning to become. The idea is to not chase but change, the courage it holds to sit with your body and accept.

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