Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

*sighh*** | 29.6.20

This is not a love story, it belongs to love languages and searching souls, when your smile creases your face and your eyes crescent into a memory we are reminded of so much good into this life, conversations about words, never really world’s apart, when I hold your hand its whispers of my love for you unmatched, yes there are souls who could come close but never this life time enough, even when I pass you’re in memory of my favorite hue’s and how thorned velvet violet roses feel vinved almost bloody tightly grasped this way, I am told human beings are found into themselves and sometimes into how they wish to change, I am told this is not easy and with warmth like this I understand some of how this happened, there’s so many things I wanted to ask about you, but I am always still learning patience and though I do not poses this quality well, I think we are teaching it to each other some how, you’re a domineering presence, bring your world, we share this too passionately, just like this life too this is part of my fuse, I can’t seem to get away from what having exchanged taught me the most, isn’t it a little too ironic that in order to be the best version of yourself you need to break harder than you ever thought possible so you too can also touch your masked fears without doubt and reservation, you’ve shifted an aspect of realities made a necessary mockery of obvious foundations found yourself some place unbelievably green and spring, the way love appears in my mind is in talks of what a home could also look like, this, its as if I am boasting love and I am because like all my serenity’s it begins with me, I die to break over and over I am quickly learning a life that is limited only to external social knowledge of awareness is a life stolen by who you’re making yourself out to be which is to also blow smoke into who you’re making yourself out to be when you’re faced with your most deepest of character.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Balanced Strength? | 22.6.20

I hope we find this well, I don’t usual say this enough but we have been seeking so we come forth the only way we knew how head on, so compelling about our nature to who we think we must, something about being invisible in a star that burns as much as it should how nice, this is a beautiful way to think about your own existence too, can you feel it how your body has began to imagine, radiate so much of what you feel like you think to only be the one who fights off its monsters here on this earth, you tell its story of how this finds their way into your path, you deserves your dream that much more, don’t draw a fool and not think of it as a tool, there is magic round here nowadays we do not always have to see with what we are told to see, blessed to be free minded this will be your greatest relief, a strength like no other magically blessed, we have traveled from lucks planet my belief in myself and the dreams I dare to touch are so much courage I keep growing out of this skin each day a super power becomes in twined with my eternal love in human form, shhh, if you say dream I say bigger, if you say self I say highest, I will sky us to the moon so we can see us from a different view just to show you this is what you should also be looking at too, we can’t blame us if we see this without passion intention of commitment your minds feeling will adjust accordingly, yet, we can’t also blame us if we see this without intensity intention of balance your hearts thoughts will learn to adjust accordingly, if we utilize senses we gain a keen sense of knowing you could sky us to the moon, to places we did not see in turn, when you focus attention ON it becomes whatever it is, teach your mind in turns that it teaches you about a way it only knows how to teach your heart to teach the mind its way it only knows how to teach you, we are ours and ours blind if we can not afford to use our given, when we become protective over us we are speaking in a language that knows us for our fears and our brilliance, I say this because we have always been two 1’s of everything, I motivate this belief by saying them out loud to see how my body identifies this balance too. -We have learnt it all head strong.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Mastering Tragedy. | 13.6.20 – 14.6.20

Trust in yourself, believe in yourself, you’re a balanced being clap, when you’re torn by half about whether there is a right decision to be made for benefiting your being take it, we have come to a place into ourselves that we must affirm us the more we grow it is not enough to just be clap, facing ourselves after we have made faults to save us to learn we have added more darkness we will feel a tenseness rise from inside us this moment is when we start the conversation to our heart and mind, envision our body speaking its emotions and thoughts as though you were having a family meeting and no one is to blame we are simply opening up the space for any grievances that may have occurred and what our next play of action must be clap, it is important that we keep a clear heart and mind as we peek our perspective and watch new opportunities rightfully take its place clap, achievements that hold great compassion are accomplishments to be celebrated too, we can not wait for perspective sky achievements if we cannot even recognize our own step goals first clap, when frustrations build and trauma comes into your path you’re being forced to challenge one of two things, one, is there still something I have not learnt here, two, are we being called upon to seek a different impact clap, you must truthfully recognize in order to unconditionally relieve clap, there have never been shortcuts these are nicknamed opportunities calm yourself, realize awareness in change of growth, keep it going, this life has grown into you and you’re swarm to so much love clap, there has never been a better feeling then this moment, do not dwell on what has already happened to forgot who it is you’re breathing to become of anything you’re bigger than any bad habit do not let this be your tragedy clap.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Black Lives Matter 2020 (BLM) | 11.6.20

I am high steady fast on protecting my future children, black is family past present and future we do not split, we are the traveled ancestral family blood, we are here to stand in solidarity of black bloodies, there has not been an act of peace or justice we have been chanting since we first saw the white man spill our blood, we have been reclaiming each and every time we are forced out of our pockets, out of homes, spaces and made to feel inadequate from our very existence, we are forced to take back our human, we are being told in constant aggression, some think we do not see them masked with white lies we are not allowed to be a content life, I will never see black skin the way you see it, whiteness has cheated our people of our greatness think we too far gone to see how much home when they see nothing, talk about it on stolen genocide for gated land, don’t stand there and tell me you don’t see colour as you talk in micro aggression, white fragility is old, we have been making something of white noise you are not listening, we are not asking anymore we are taking it back, Tamika talked about it right, Amanda told us, she called on our power, they know what they are doing here, they’ve known how they strip black of human long ago, we are knowing of our history some of us are tired of having to use our voice it aches, we have had to learn to bare it, to use it standing strong, this has been our fight since the dare you declared war on our people with your white laws, protecting nothing and swearing into the faces of black bodies, your laws are too white to see us, too much black ink to paper not enough black bodies to reach importance of justice, just enough to break whole families right, this is what you and your people have done through out stolen lands right, you will remember this day too, when our black is subjected to violence at the hands of that will not protect them do not be surprised when black people come at you with the same fight in their being to protect themselves from the same laws that do not protect black bodies, it is facts that to this day there are 437 indigenous black deaths in custody, it is not okay for white people to feel so comfortable to disarm black lives in context that would go as far as to say the Black Lives Matter protests are a uniquely American movement, no, have you not been listening, black bodies have suffered and asked enough, injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, you go as far to say attempts to retrofit it to suit local conditions ignore the quantum improvements the Australian justice system has made in its treatment of indigenous Australians, no, you’re not listening, enough is enough, look at the facts, indigenous bodies are dying at the hand of justice what is wrong with your heart, we should not have to use metaphor to explain such a pandemic, people are dying without any justice and not one or the people compliant and present at these scenes are being help accountable which is to say that this type of murder is acceptable on our stolen lands, I should not have to tell you this, our own country leader thinks it is not that bad in Australia, no, you’re not listening, black bodies are being targeted in micro to fetal scenes I am pissed, it wasn’t so long ago that we were protesting for the young black men to move freely here, the same young black men who should feel safe walking with their friend groups instead of being subjected to primary walking targets here, I’ll say it again, black bodies continue to suffer at the hands of the same justice system that is meant to protect, these are the same white voices that instigate our black family and think to know they will go unaccounted for and in white Australia they do, it is imperative to voice and stand up for injustice that perpetrates violence when they are swarm to protect, that no where to hide from all these black screens will you have no choice but to confess we are doing the justice without the badge, when they speak in segregation and we speak in mass pull up we are the sovereignty, it lays with us, listen, you can not take and be silent with your whiteness you have to do the work, when you practice a life it becomes you, how much power are you willing to give, how much of your privilege are willing to use, the world is watching now, listen, white people and people of colour who are not black and want to be respectable allies being silent is not enough now, if you are in ally act like it, call the racist people in your communities and homes out, talk to them, we are done talking to you about it now it is your turn, talk to your community, black people are tired of how we are left to rebuild catch your tongue tell it to re home its words, ask why it makes sense to you that my black body is still up for debate as to whether it is allowed to breathe, if you will not show us respect we will come down on you like MLK, the easy way is to do the work and hold white and persons of colour racists accountable for their harm on black bodies, we are done with the way the white system continues to perpetrate and gaslight us into a war we did not ask for, you wanted this, we have out grown incompetence lack of impatience for human decency can do that it can turn black into panther, it can make you look at mirrors before you crash into them, black bodies have always been at a fighting chance, the time for asking has out grown our generation we are tired of its voice to our bodies and not the other way around, we cannot fight from within comfort now we are forced to fight out loud, we will not stop until you continue to show us that are willingly going to do the right thing.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Elevate. | 11.6.20

Give it time, you’re not forgotten here, we are just passing through to understand us some more if we do not stop to touch your fingertips we are still learning, our paths will learn to cross over again and again until we have mastered this course of action, we do not get praised for words if we can not understand to feel where we have lost its intention, when we walk blindly towards anything that is simply put fear, our fears have learnt us so well in our garden we have learnt to pick different flowers in the process for different courses of action lead by intuition, I tell myself its okay here too, we needed this, this time to break is important to us too, we can not move and expect expectation when we are moving in accordance to fears, I have let my guard down in time where I thought this was safe, I do not regret its action, I am above that kind if thinking, I follow through, I choose to go ahead with the plan this time I follow my feeling, I trust my body more instead of letting one placement do all the work it is shared, we all have one mission at hand, don’t cloud your memory with further emotions that are made up to leave you stagnant, we are not built this way, we have always taught our body to fight for the good of our nature, we never give up on us this is who we also are, we are capable of anything, there is no needs for extravagance here, we came for it all before we even had a chance to think we knew which is why we are moving from one to another this way, layered as we are we have always known a mighty wave, the water in us keeps our emotions safe, the fire is what makes us fight harder, there has never been two ways about it we have always been whole, lack of belief will do this to a person when intensity of anything hits and throws you out of balance, you’re to always catch your chaos before it learns to control you, strength has always been your strong point tap into your love and worth and you’ll see what I mean by elevated. -A seeker to her golden Snitch.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

You’re. | 11.6.20

Baby break, its okay, I am not afraid of rejection by now this should come as no surprise I have been echoing a home that has learnt off heartbreak we are never feared by a loss of failure only for it open more spaces for our mind a type of courage, our heart to grow more acceptance, we are the spiting image of unconditional love and don’t we know it, that we are as much magic as learning how to build paper planes, skilled boats, you’re the redemption of rebuilding, never fake to live in your truest truth that you have learnt a way of life that is most abnormal to the eyes of some, maybe, only understood by a melody of thought devotion action, when I say soft I mean warrior, when I say fire I mean courage, when I mention fire and water in the same notion I am showing you my truest of passions in secret forms of intentions, truth is a returning softness never lost, sometimes forgotten but never failed to show love dreamers here I am it all, this world is funny, it will try to paint you if you do not paint yourself, it comes with so much balance and the roles we choose to play that day become our story to tell, we became protagonists that ignite charisma with ease, learning we are more than ours can shake us to our core if we are not wise about its strength, we are so many other things put together which is why sometimes when I talk like this you may get confused, you may feel lost in words that only feel like you could touch, this may not sound real to you, but I am constantly affirmed, I am told that this is who I am too, I am the mystic of masks, I write what we are too afraid or cautious to understand, to wear that day or have always worn to conceal the truth, what we are burning to hear and see, I am writing worlds that are forming on their own accord, worlds that have been born out of intention, psyche that follows my voice, melody of actions followed by words or words followed by action but always the truth, constantly shifting to sync, being lost can feel safe sometimes, it can feel found, but being found feels even safer then pretending yourself to be found in worlds that are written by me. -You can wake up now.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Everything, your fears and your happieness in a few worlds. | 8.06.20

How human are we or how human do we have the need to become before it is too late to come across our side lines and look at all our wreckage, must we burn each time we are handed our life line, how to survive the survival who else to be a better teacher than those who you hold great love within yourself, so tell me though what about you, how well do you trust that you have this under control, can you break enough to listen how close to death must we fall, nothing comes close to be the parents our life knows us so capable, are you holding your garden accountable to your hidden forms, how often do you choose to lie to yourself to prove loyalty, say you hold worlds, your words not only in formation of your gossips but you care enough to fight for what you believe, what if what we believed was wrong, what if I told you that what we feel is intelligence at its rightful highest form when worked on, life times ago we held our emotions in our palms, we protected with our words and knew about how much power it hold, this is not wishful, capability lies in the hands of its beholders throats, you’re saying what you’re wishing there for what you’re wishing is what you’re working towards if you do not have the earnestness to fulfil dreams who are we really, more, can we be more if we do not hold us accountable for actions that have learnt to play out right before our very own eyes for us to clear the path we have fumbled into time and time again, a hell that grins down on those to say look at your guilt, face it running away will make the fires hotter, who are you to not question your own fated conscious, you will not loose yourself I promise you this, there are many happens waiting for you over on the other side, how brave have you gotten since you last spoke to your whole body-, Come here dear love, lets sit together, I want you to unburden yourself, I choose to be your waterfall oasis in this moment and moments to come if you promise to be your own first world.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

It was all me. | 2.6.20

And here it is, take them, take all of them, there is much more to receive haven’t gotten left socked in the rain I am starved for understanding, starved for love, the things we are not taught in this world if we do not teach them to ourselves first, the harsh ways we learn these words will become our story to tell that have been left out here in the rain on survival each and everyday you crawl your way back into the dark just to find the light in the corner of a good view, a place that reminds you of what a home should look like, should your mother let her tongue slip and slide a way the world has made her complaisant about you, how natural your are is it to be this unnatural, your being only comes in some and you’re being taught what not to tell your children, we are the children of mothers who do not practice discretion in self awareness let roll of the tongue just to blame the words, the 2nd tongue was never taught she’ll say, and you watch the lessons run her body swear you will never be this way beginning with yourself, you have to look at the faults you have been through and stop keeping its count it is enough, one day you will not have to live this way anymore, your story is yours to write never forgot that, one day this will all be over just like the other time, you flourished remember how much cliche life looked, how it beamed so much you never forgot who you were, that strengths begins you, you are so much courage, your fire in the rain is nothing compared to the blaze you alight its flame, even fire doesn’t dare step over you, in your presence it ignites and simmers down, a worthy twin has come your way treat each other well-. You two were meant to find each other in this age.