Melody of Being Animate:Poetry

It’s over a year old and still makes sense. How do we make sense of love? | note sure just read:2023 (Actually <edited> 22 May 2023) me: oh thats today, great! *adds to time stamp Also me: Oh, not today okay cool.

Chaotic sweet melodic voice that finds its way into dreams in the deep blue black silvering nights, did she ever tell you why she knows the whisper of your heart calling their name will not let you rest until they have heard you speak your mind say love I have come to tell you about a feeling unmatched that have been keeping light awake in the early night, yet — here we are, everytime you close your eyes we see to cross paths you hear the most life has a ways of putting us on pause we do not like the disturbances but we appreciate the visits after us, asking you have you understood the significance of its affairs I want to tell you about a love story so kept it felt itself to share, I talk about love but I do not talk about being loved I wait in silence I am afraid of the times giving and the hearts spent giving out chances like they were wild sunflowers growing in my garden, my home, a safe haven I still think about the moments in memories astounded that this is what you might just be, — isn’t potential a funny word, I could ask when loving became this challenging but I already know the answer to that, speaking to you like this has never been easy I imagine you as we were the clouds, and the blue sky and the stars in the night hidden in the day light awake just a fall asleep with the rise your voice your eyes your hand holding mine feels like an intimate scent familiar, here, that I can never forget no matter how hard I have tried I wonder, when you question love what does that mean, it’s confusing being filled with emotional logic, it’s confusing making sense of words such as love whelmed like they’re so close like you could touch them, —close your eyes, and smell it whisk the air beside you but you know it’s more than that, this does not have an adequate meaning, Love is an ambiguous compassion, it’s not something that can be understood apart from the two individuals involved humorous isn’t it that love can make take on any shape desires, any form but also special, almost heroic, almost, — brilliant.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

Food and Love. 22.05.2023

In the name is blasphemy and those who feel obliged by women, individuals, and have more to say on me than mirrors past, present, and future. Being woman means being whole bodies that walk in rooms that learn her light, we do not ever bend our back for those who see us in anything less, when we as women have been taught throughout our lives what it means to be women we grow tall green trees roots heavy on love, our garden grips us so well in ways that teach us to our soul our home leave us wanting more, so when we are called on unconditional beauty and watched as she followed us and never left this home, a woman’s home is filled with so much angst and unconditional love you think to know her bounds she has created for herself you think to know wise to stop putting her in boxes that mirror your home never hers, — my body is never ashamed to set rooms on fire with her presence, the choice’s in my home have been a care to her first and never yours, you can not bother us knocking at our door and call upon our name in snake tongue full on your home green, –Women,– are not sacred, blooms that gift themselves so much you will never come to know my love it is too deep to see with your eyes caked, if you leave this body with scares she will teach your soul a lesson in true meaning of silence, you will never know her sweetness a nectar tongue so dangerous it has a way about your senses, she is sweet about her first, watch your worth, question your worthy ask you about her space, touching her ears, soft as her lips she does not kiss just anybody. –She is flamed from ancient spells. You are not her to tell her story. You have your own story to tell, listen to her femininity, and trust her words women who have experienced life in second worlds don’t hide as well as masculinity, energy never lies,– Does your soul talk about your body in the spirit realms? –You tell me. By this time, you should already have your answer ready to go.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

22.5.23 |Affirming my reality is my superpower.

In my second world, I look however I want, there are no boundaries to my being, and I am living freely. I am living spirited and in lights, I am feeling the waves move through my body I can feel again, –I am allowed to feel again–, I am free here, I am relieved of all the earthy pressures I am in dihurnment to myself and my way of life, I see how we live here nowadays, I do not wish it upon any of you, I see how we scurry, how we drown, the way we perform to cheat the mind to air out the heart unattended because it does not fit the pressures of the world you have created for it’s vitality. You’re responsible for her heart. ‐She bleeds more water and you watch her drown in her own sea, there are fires about these stories, there is nothing left to survive in the second world we choose life over things we canot touch, in this world we do not settle our hearts we release its chains and watch them save the mind, here we encourage our body to understand its cells and make connections with its reality we do not form aliances out of favours we grant them for ourselves because we understand how the laws here work–.

–I am my most freest light here, I do not command anything. I make choices that aline to my greatest garden and I make moves–, I follow my path earnestly, I am ambitious about my soul and she watches our body grow from the experiences we have had the pleasures of becoming, we see clearly, we accept abundantly, we move freely, we are accepting of letting it all go, we do not hesitate our power anymore for those who choice to only see parts they have misunderstood in our body for their own pleasures, –this is not for us to decide–. Our power has a much grander cause of demand in justice and compassion. –I am as calm as tress, I am as calm as the water, I am, ease–.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

Thank you, for your words and your actions. | 8.1.22

Poetry isn’t supposed to be beautiful, its not supposed to be anything. Poetry is that powerful that it holds space for us all, it gives without asking for anything in return, poetry give us meaning, it gives us connection, it keeps on learning to keep us informed about love. Poetry is many things, poetry has a galactic way about its form it not in our near speech, we are at peotrys mercy, poetry admires us because we bring poetry to life, poetry teaches us about balance, poetry gives us the tools and shows us our courage to use our tools to take our steps, poetry is not saying they are right, poetry is only half the journey your form is also your teacher. When we become poetry we are unlearning, when we become our form we are learning, we are never without each others guidance, we need poetry and poetry needs our form. —They don’t warn you about the magic or words separate from actions and actions separate from words, they only learn you what they mean together. The impact of words is the knowledge and the power, the impact of actions in the wisdom and the courage. We have always lived alongside both but never taught about their separate impact, one impact is always told to be more dominant to the other and this is wrong; Be mindful and be kind. The skills you learn in this lifetime will show who you are in the present, and who you’re claiming to become in future. Practice this kindness, thank poetry and form later if you must.—

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

To the greatness of us all. | 5.1.22

To the nights where my mind is filled with more ache than thoughts, I tell her I will hold her for however many times she needs she is needed here our home together just like this and much more, I comfort her with my dreams we watch the two sun’s rise to remind us we have always also been the sun’s in our lifetimes, we sit in silence listening to the air make soft music creating notes into our home that soothe us here in this dream life, — when I wake find my mind in her solitude I am reminded of our bodies freedom, how each pulsed thought shares some of its truth here before it leaves our home, our air has always been fire proof we have been working with the new gifts for the purpose of moments of pure clarity on what to do with the idea that you have to be at your most welcomed self belief in love with you and I hope you find what time is to you about this memory. — affirm that you can, you will and you can, give yourself grace, you have to be willfully mindful of these paths they are made to cross create a life worthy of your help on a continuum, the choice is always yours for the seizing.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

Prosper. (Gods speed) | 5.1.22

So I’m sitting here juice mixed thinking about the currency in which we possess to thrive our lives, and I can’t help but feel as though my polymer needs to learn to work for me to the speed of my heart, my passion for a home has alway been my way of life, it has kept me safe in thinking the keep for independence and wellness will keep me alive long enough to see my inner peace. Like could you imagine what it would be like, —to wake to a dream that has been manifested to be built upon your own, I mean have you heard about how the stars are lights in the sky, have you seen the moon drop down to your eye level and you stare at each others light thinking I knew one day that this day would come I would be here and we would talk in light.— I can’t sleep, the insomniac in me is ragging with so much phenomena I can not contain her dragon breath no longer, —she is back with all her valour she thinks to have found a way to our dreams some more, thinks she can feel it in our eyes, see it in our heart and bend it in our mind;— she has woken from her sleep, and is ready to take on yet another the same way she skips to step to the beat of her own strum; We haven’t seen flowers lately nor rainbows for that matter, the best we have done is —be the rain our element has never been shy about her passing to the next future—, we crave this chance the same way the rain begs at our feet. Keep safe, na tuta onanana as we set mission intention in more —Prosperity.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

Magi ina patia amani kwa akili. (Water gives peace to the mind.) | 28.12.21
How does it make you feel, when I mention things that are this close to my skin I tell secrets like the person is the weight in my heart my mind is full of their presence. Whenever I can’t put together these picture pieces I lay in its memory, a comfort of fast feelings and thoughts-, I’m alive when the rain mimics my body, we are both in a world where we have come to love our magic, —I tell it all my heart has been holding back and the rain listens in different chimes, we get so lost in conversation she eases my heart and mind with her melody, the best kept secret, when you befriend the rain, you see yourself living in so many ways, its so easy to get lost in talks of hope, there’s a lot of uncertainty but the chime, the words are still raining down on you, you can really begin to feel it, the hold it has cradling you rocking you back and forth this time the conversation is different, this time we are asleep walking home, when my eyes are closed like this they are the most open, I see words, I can taste the colours they dye, I can see so much it’s difficult to explain outside of this world, and the rain here is also my friend, she is a beauty of drops of so many mylenya, being able to mean something and represent as a purpose is the light around here, and so when I wake, I try to remember my life there and that with its cohesive permission am I too able to convert that becoming here on our water planet too.—

BUY MY BOOK: Fire in the Rain. 2021

$25 each. Email me at for a personally signed copy with a personally selected quote.

Entry #17 Covid has me unemployed after being employed and Im trying to get myself yet through another chance and restoring my livelihood when it is being threatened. How are you all doing?

So I just lost my full time job because I put in my resignation for my current full time job due to covid my timing could not have been anything but perfect, can you hear the sarcasm in my typing. I had a long drive from work today thinking about how life makes it possible to have so many fall backs and lessons with your own mental therapy about an outcome you so deliberately planned for, thinking about how this sounds so familiar back in 2019 dragged until 2020 and not until that year toward the middle I finally found ripe security in something I had wanted for myself so bad, I had worked so hard I deserved this chance. I was driving home from work today after what felt like a long shift thinking I worked so hard to get back to right where I began and for the first time in my life of downfalls I could not cry about it. My mentality lead me to lead us out of this mess the only way I grew to know how and that was with my strength to never give up on myself. I told me myself “I will never give up on who I am becoming and never give up on myself now. I have been hurt and down this rabbit hole of despair I will not fall for its old tricks again or at all I am better than this, I know I can get myself out of anything if I really wanted to so here I am getting myself out of yet another attempt and my livelihood.”

This is to us, those who once had a job and are now struggling with how the pandemic has handled our livelihoods. This is to us, we will make it out of this too I strongly believe in myself and I strongly believe in us, we have got this no matter how you look at this we have got this, no matter how it feels we have got this, there is always opportunity wherever you look, keep going this is no time to stop. Take some time to ease your body, soul and spirt about this, and as you’re calming down, adapt get yourself back to where you belong and that is being the best version of yourself for who you’re becoming to be.


Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

Drawing to stay alive. | 13.8.21

As it gets closer to my birth right I hear the sun through my skin, I can feel the change is near she is invited, she carries her optimism as her secret weapon so that when you see nervous she wills herself here the most, ,—a cunning nature that is vulnerable to the seeing eyes say those who do not see the whole of me have no worth to see me at all, —tell them to watch themselves as they spill right in-front of you say how careless are we to think a better version of ourselves dare you a heart too, dare you a mind that has learnt to skin alive she will peel back your layers you are layered, did you know this when you broke you lips to speak in poison? That each parts of self has soul so that begs each mouth to be the reckoning of legacy be the part where you first witnessed yourself glory be the sky you are the sky, this is your story to tell. —So tell me baby rain, when was the last season you first fell stumbled and picked your soul back up, we have to remind ourselves everyday who we are is plenty becoming and plenty sunflower, see the light ambers it shines deep into the fate of her eyes destiny she is your legacy to leave this earth and travel to the moon least once and back say—, have you heard of the ocean and how she swallows you whole like the way the sky and the ocean could hold the same space learn your deepest of desires make you smirk at you, seeing a sea reflection into these parts of the world, how they travel magically familiar into one another, have you seen this happen before; tell me, do you know what I mean?; please tell me you know what I mean? I have lived a many life’s and all have never been my first nor my last they have lived as I have became to live them and outlive them our past selves are travellers, and our future souls are to bare witness of the metamorphosis of our physical being hold prayer for our glory too, though soft to the touch this body has known much evil fire try to take her away from all that is good and well, again are we bodies reminded of our strength our power into us matched to our soul some more; shhhh can you hear the voices of intuition guiding your through this thought of mission too, we are purposeful beings there is nothing we are not capable of becoming even when we cry about our attempts enough to fill the sea her self, we come back to the ground just to reach the sky herself we revive as the rooted sunflower’s walking upon this land here in this form as we carry our voice as fruits of our labour too to say we did our best here, we will continue to become our greeted legacy even if it kills our past and ignites our future this is our dream, this is our story. — That’s quite enough of that from me, I’ve told you mine, now, won’t you share with me a part of your soul too?—