Melody of Being Animate:Poetry

It’s over a year old and still makes sense. How do we make sense of love? | note sure just read:2023 (Actually <edited> 22 May 2023) me: oh thats today, great! *adds to time stamp Also me: Oh, not today okay cool.

Chaotic sweet melodic voice that finds its way into dreams in the deep blue black silvering nights, did she ever tell you why she knows the whisper of your heart calling their name will not let you rest until they have heard you speak your mind say love I have come to tell you about a feeling unmatched that have been keeping light awake in the early night, yet — here we are, everytime you close your eyes we see to cross paths you hear the most life has a ways of putting us on pause we do not like the disturbances but we appreciate the visits after us, asking you have you understood the significance of its affairs I want to tell you about a love story so kept it felt itself to share, I talk about love but I do not talk about being loved I wait in silence I am afraid of the times giving and the hearts spent giving out chances like they were wild sunflowers growing in my garden, my home, a safe haven I still think about the moments in memories astounded that this is what you might just be, — isn’t potential a funny word, I could ask when loving became this challenging but I already know the answer to that, speaking to you like this has never been easy I imagine you as we were the clouds, and the blue sky and the stars in the night hidden in the day light awake just a fall asleep with the rise your voice your eyes your hand holding mine feels like an intimate scent familiar, here, that I can never forget no matter how hard I have tried I wonder, when you question love what does that mean, it’s confusing being filled with emotional logic, it’s confusing making sense of words such as love whelmed like they’re so close like you could touch them, —close your eyes, and smell it whisk the air beside you but you know it’s more than that, this does not have an adequate meaning, Love is an ambiguous compassion, it’s not something that can be understood apart from the two individuals involved humorous isn’t it that love can make take on any shape desires, any form but also special, almost heroic, almost, — brilliant.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

Food and Love. 22.05.2023

In the name is blasphemy and those who feel obliged by women, individuals, and have more to say on me than mirrors past, present, and future. Being woman means being whole bodies that walk in rooms that learn her light, we do not ever bend our back for those who see us in anything less, when we as women have been taught throughout our lives what it means to be women we grow tall green trees roots heavy on love, our garden grips us so well in ways that teach us to our soul our home leave us wanting more, so when we are called on unconditional beauty and watched as she followed us and never left this home, a woman’s home is filled with so much angst and unconditional love you think to know her bounds she has created for herself you think to know wise to stop putting her in boxes that mirror your home never hers, — my body is never ashamed to set rooms on fire with her presence, the choice’s in my home have been a care to her first and never yours, you can not bother us knocking at our door and call upon our name in snake tongue full on your home green, –Women,– are not sacred, blooms that gift themselves so much you will never come to know my love it is too deep to see with your eyes caked, if you leave this body with scares she will teach your soul a lesson in true meaning of silence, you will never know her sweetness a nectar tongue so dangerous it has a way about your senses, she is sweet about her first, watch your worth, question your worthy ask you about her space, touching her ears, soft as her lips she does not kiss just anybody. –She is flamed from ancient spells. You are not her to tell her story. You have your own story to tell, listen to her femininity, and trust her words women who have experienced life in second worlds don’t hide as well as masculinity, energy never lies,– Does your soul talk about your body in the spirit realms? –You tell me. By this time, you should already have your answer ready to go.

Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

22.5.23 |Affirming my reality is my superpower.

In my second world, I look however I want, there are no boundaries to my being, and I am living freely. I am living spirited and in lights, I am feeling the waves move through my body I can feel again, –I am allowed to feel again–, I am free here, I am relieved of all the earthy pressures I am in dihurnment to myself and my way of life, I see how we live here nowadays, I do not wish it upon any of you, I see how we scurry, how we drown, the way we perform to cheat the mind to air out the heart unattended because it does not fit the pressures of the world you have created for it’s vitality. You’re responsible for her heart. ‐She bleeds more water and you watch her drown in her own sea, there are fires about these stories, there is nothing left to survive in the second world we choose life over things we canot touch, in this world we do not settle our hearts we release its chains and watch them save the mind, here we encourage our body to understand its cells and make connections with its reality we do not form aliances out of favours we grant them for ourselves because we understand how the laws here work–.

–I am my most freest light here, I do not command anything. I make choices that aline to my greatest garden and I make moves–, I follow my path earnestly, I am ambitious about my soul and she watches our body grow from the experiences we have had the pleasures of becoming, we see clearly, we accept abundantly, we move freely, we are accepting of letting it all go, we do not hesitate our power anymore for those who choice to only see parts they have misunderstood in our body for their own pleasures, –this is not for us to decide–. Our power has a much grander cause of demand in justice and compassion. –I am as calm as tress, I am as calm as the water, I am, ease–.

Fire in the Rain. By Fatma Hussein 2021

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

She has fallen, for Present. | 8.2.21

I swear this feeling is here to stay. I swear it is the best way about being human, that we get to experience to share vulnerability, so often we are glanced at by looking glass eyes not enough by sunflowers, we understand the sentiment but we also understand that we have outgrown glass cups. The memory is, that we have lived long enough to know unconditional love enough to have fallen for it’s worth, capable of its respect and caring about it’s safety into our caliber. Our chances now are matched in opportunity, our opportunity is chimed in soft tones of our most lush feelings, we have mastered floating amongst the full moons. — It’s been a while, since I’ve been here. Been thinking, about my reality. — How it’s matched to my dreams now more than ever dreamed, and the fear, of losing sleep has never felt so bliss. — I am bound to my soul first. —She is learning how to walk on her two feet flat against the earth healing, teaching to be present has never looked this dangerously charming.—


I had the amazing opportunity to be part of this FUTURISTIC project I feel so humbled honored and blessed for this opportunity and more to come. Please see what Melbourne artists alongside myself have created ✨🤗✨🤭✨  @experiencewyndham #WyndhamArtGallery #DeepWest #2020 #2020Vision #Futuristic ✨🤭🤗✨ #yourfavdreamer ✨🤗✨✨


Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

I’m surviving your(self). | 22/9/20

I fear I am losing my touch into my world, being here has made it difficult to reconnect with my whole chosen family, I feel slightly lost light-headed from the sleepless nights of dreaming of my way back home, the places I have found are here but I can not go, I feel trapped inside a space that held a different meaning I am having trouble deciphering its coding, all it’s pent up questions are slowly taking the magic that runs through my blood, how I talk in language that is only familiar to mine is fading, I am falling, I am starting to revisit old memories seeing my younger self she is restless as am I, I am losing my compassion my words they leave my mouth but they are not mine they do not feel like mine, this is not me I am not who you see right now, who you hear speaking, I am writing this note to see who I am again, the past is following me like a ghost, she is attacking my mind and leaving my heart tethered, she is weakening our power creating sinister clouds in our vision I am doing whatever I can to keep us safe before she loses her resolve, come back quick it doesn’t have to be this way, you do not run at the site of change you challenge it’s compromise, we form a bigger greatness, you know about the wait you understand the patience but you can not bare the beating it leaves your body, you have never been good with the scares I know, it’s okay to be afraid of ourselves once in a while, we know for you it can keep you going, your state of mind is something you will always have to bring yourself back from but it will never be who you are, open your vision in the center of your lifes mission, do not only see with your heart when you are a formidable being that sees with pure emotion a most challenging ability to keep safe and untainted from a world swarming with unpleasant corrupt intent of intentions this type of healing keepsake will never hold you back from your own intuition instead learn to keep you safe when coexisting becomes the necessity-. It will not always have to be like this, a promise you bind with your inner belief.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Black Lives Matter 2020 (BLM) | 11.6.20

I am high steady fast on protecting my future children, black is family past present and future we do not split, we are the traveled ancestral family blood, we are here to stand in solidarity of black bloodies, there has not been an act of peace or justice we have been chanting since we first saw the white man spill our blood, we have been reclaiming each and every time we are forced out of our pockets, out of homes, spaces and made to feel inadequate from our very existence, we are forced to take back our human, we are being told in constant aggression, some think we do not see them masked with white lies we are not allowed to be a content life, I will never see black skin the way you see it, whiteness has cheated our people of our greatness think we too far gone to see how much home when they see nothing, talk about it on stolen genocide for gated land, don’t stand there and tell me you don’t see colour as you talk in micro aggression, white fragility is old, we have been making something of white noise you are not listening, we are not asking anymore we are taking it back, Tamika talked about it right, Amanda told us, she called on our power, they know what they are doing here, they’ve known how they strip black of human long ago, we are knowing of our history some of us are tired of having to use our voice it aches, we have had to learn to bare it, to use it standing strong, this has been our fight since the dare you declared war on our people with your white laws, protecting nothing and swearing into the faces of black bodies, your laws are too white to see us, too much black ink to paper not enough black bodies to reach importance of justice, just enough to break whole families right, this is what you and your people have done through out stolen lands right, you will remember this day too, when our black is subjected to violence at the hands of that will not protect them do not be surprised when black people come at you with the same fight in their being to protect themselves from the same laws that do not protect black bodies, it is facts that to this day there are 437 indigenous black deaths in custody, it is not okay for white people to feel so comfortable to disarm black lives in context that would go as far as to say the Black Lives Matter protests are a uniquely American movement, no, have you not been listening, black bodies have suffered and asked enough, injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, you go as far to say attempts to retrofit it to suit local conditions ignore the quantum improvements the Australian justice system has made in its treatment of indigenous Australians, no, you’re not listening, enough is enough, look at the facts, indigenous bodies are dying at the hand of justice what is wrong with your heart, we should not have to use metaphor to explain such a pandemic, people are dying without any justice and not one or the people compliant and present at these scenes are being help accountable which is to say that this type of murder is acceptable on our stolen lands, I should not have to tell you this, our own country leader thinks it is not that bad in Australia, no, you’re not listening, black bodies are being targeted in micro to fetal scenes I am pissed, it wasn’t so long ago that we were protesting for the young black men to move freely here, the same young black men who should feel safe walking with their friend groups instead of being subjected to primary walking targets here, I’ll say it again, black bodies continue to suffer at the hands of the same justice system that is meant to protect, these are the same white voices that instigate our black family and think to know they will go unaccounted for and in white Australia they do, it is imperative to voice and stand up for injustice that perpetrates violence when they are swarm to protect, that no where to hide from all these black screens will you have no choice but to confess we are doing the justice without the badge, when they speak in segregation and we speak in mass pull up we are the sovereignty, it lays with us, listen, you can not take and be silent with your whiteness you have to do the work, when you practice a life it becomes you, how much power are you willing to give, how much of your privilege are willing to use, the world is watching now, listen, white people and people of colour who are not black and want to be respectable allies being silent is not enough now, if you are in ally act like it, call the racist people in your communities and homes out, talk to them, we are done talking to you about it now it is your turn, talk to your community, black people are tired of how we are left to rebuild catch your tongue tell it to re home its words, ask why it makes sense to you that my black body is still up for debate as to whether it is allowed to breathe, if you will not show us respect we will come down on you like MLK, the easy way is to do the work and hold white and persons of colour racists accountable for their harm on black bodies, we are done with the way the white system continues to perpetrate and gaslight us into a war we did not ask for, you wanted this, we have out grown incompetence lack of impatience for human decency can do that it can turn black into panther, it can make you look at mirrors before you crash into them, black bodies have always been at a fighting chance, the time for asking has out grown our generation we are tired of its voice to our bodies and not the other way around, we cannot fight from within comfort now we are forced to fight out loud, we will not stop until you continue to show us that are willingly going to do the right thing.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

4.8.18 | loading…

There’s nothing more terrifying than yourself, when you reach a space in the mind where your body becomes this conscious unconscious being you’re left in limbo, its been nearly 2 weeks since I have started feeling this disconnected and in search of human touch and allowed for words like resistance, temptation and respect outside of myself, I’m constantly looking for answers in this person and I’m really starting to question whether they can be found only within me, I’m not doubting myself, I’m just trying to understand how it is I can heal through other faucets when these words keep attacking my healing shields, what do you do when you start to fall into obvious low’s when you’re feeling depressed it almost feels like almost nothingness, how do you change the taps to things like temptation and a quick fix I am at a point in my mental where I am realizing that I am not a person of strict routine when it comes to self-care, I mean I’m starting to think that maybe I should try and go back to routine, try to see how it works instead of blindly following help from things that I can not touch, my only problem with routine is that after a while, routine slowly begins to have the opposite effect-, I am still loading…

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Don’t disrespect beauty

I read the most disrespectful statement about my sisters, I just wanna let you black men who forgot your place, don’t know that a black body spilled herself for you, least you forgot the skin you wearing, disrespecting what god took time to perfect, how dare you forgot your place, how dare you disrespect like you don’t know that ain’t nobody but this black skin will always have your back, acting like black man n black woman ain’t the same blessed, ain’t the same sweet menlanin we praise, they praise, don’t you forgot your roots boy, don’t forget who brought you on this earth, don’t you forgot the colour god blessed upon your disrespectful self, talking like you worthy of so much she ain’t gave you, capable of carrying all this that society has given women with melanin bright enough, brave enough, strong enough, beautiful enough for you to act like you own, like you have the right to, how dare you, don’t you know disrespect when it assaults your narrative, never forget it is this skin that you are here, so best you know, before you disrespect yourself