Melody of Being Animate: Poetry

22.5.23 |Affirming my reality is my superpower.

In my second world, I look however I want, there are no boundaries to my being, and I am living freely. I am living spirited and in lights, I am feeling the waves move through my body I can feel again, –I am allowed to feel again–, I am free here, I am relieved of all the earthy pressures I am in dihurnment to myself and my way of life, I see how we live here nowadays, I do not wish it upon any of you, I see how we scurry, how we drown, the way we perform to cheat the mind to air out the heart unattended because it does not fit the pressures of the world you have created for it’s vitality. You’re responsible for her heart. ‐She bleeds more water and you watch her drown in her own sea, there are fires about these stories, there is nothing left to survive in the second world we choose life over things we canot touch, in this world we do not settle our hearts we release its chains and watch them save the mind, here we encourage our body to understand its cells and make connections with its reality we do not form aliances out of favours we grant them for ourselves because we understand how the laws here work–.

–I am my most freest light here, I do not command anything. I make choices that aline to my greatest garden and I make moves–, I follow my path earnestly, I am ambitious about my soul and she watches our body grow from the experiences we have had the pleasures of becoming, we see clearly, we accept abundantly, we move freely, we are accepting of letting it all go, we do not hesitate our power anymore for those who choice to only see parts they have misunderstood in our body for their own pleasures, –this is not for us to decide–. Our power has a much grander cause of demand in justice and compassion. –I am as calm as tress, I am as calm as the water, I am, ease–.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Sink or swim. | 8.11.20

Never cross my soul, she is a fearless lady fire breathing dragon that lives in the open sea she is free, her form carries her deep in her mind promised to her heart and a legacy so grand she could never be stopped, — my body is my home, she is a courageous protector of my soul, her fight has always been sworn in loyalty to her care and love first, she places trap doors and warning signs in her mental for those who think to pass through her compassion like she were meek, haven’t they heard of the second fire child with water tendencies, do they not know that fire is passionately intuitive an element that will blow the smoke away and drown you into her waters so deep, — do not sink, be careful with you words and how you choose to show them, you may be surprised about the weight they carry only to feel lifted for a second glance. — I think to think out loud up in unpredictable clouds and the open sea forgot I am the only one in the room, I hear your voice that leaves your mouth after you have spoken, when we are alone I see all of you, the miracles you possess and the ones that are making their ways to you yet, — the next time we meet I can only hope to see you again soon.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Mastering Tragedy. | 13.6.20 – 14.6.20

Trust in yourself, believe in yourself, you’re a balanced being clap, when you’re torn by half about whether there is a right decision to be made for benefiting your being take it, we have come to a place into ourselves that we must affirm us the more we grow it is not enough to just be clap, facing ourselves after we have made faults to save us to learn we have added more darkness we will feel a tenseness rise from inside us this moment is when we start the conversation to our heart and mind, envision our body speaking its emotions and thoughts as though you were having a family meeting and no one is to blame we are simply opening up the space for any grievances that may have occurred and what our next play of action must be clap, it is important that we keep a clear heart and mind as we peek our perspective and watch new opportunities rightfully take its place clap, achievements that hold great compassion are accomplishments to be celebrated too, we can not wait for perspective sky achievements if we cannot even recognize our own step goals first clap, when frustrations build and trauma comes into your path you’re being forced to challenge one of two things, one, is there still something I have not learnt here, two, are we being called upon to seek a different impact clap, you must truthfully recognize in order to unconditionally relieve clap, there have never been shortcuts these are nicknamed opportunities calm yourself, realize awareness in change of growth, keep it going, this life has grown into you and you’re swarm to so much love clap, there has never been a better feeling then this moment, do not dwell on what has already happened to forgot who it is you’re breathing to become of anything you’re bigger than any bad habit do not let this be your tragedy clap.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

4.3.20 | cut me loose.

I still wish we watched our words, we can’t always make sense of how we mean often how we honestly feel though we should at least be careful of how we choose to love, when we meet hearts that break us we are knowing of what it feels to walk away from hurt connections, often our mind will give us a path our heart will struggle to accept it but our body will help us lead the way, I say I haven’t always been this new to love but I must admit my care for it is changing with every heart I met, we get more chances to know about feelings that are still nameless or ache to say out loud and sometimes it feels like you could be the only person waiting for night to fall so you don’t have to leave this sky you have built safe into your home, -My body asks me, where have you been lately? I was worried you forgot about your home here, how you are allowed to take up all the space you want here, we don’t mind the outward vacations we just miss the quality time, I can’t keep pretending even after all these lighthouses, I sigh, sit down close, close my eyes and tell her, yea I know, thank you.

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

Depression, is an illness, not a weakness

Forgive me, sometimes Im not sure where to begin when it comes to understanding the way this works, I have given you so much of myself yet it doesn’t seem enough, is it really that hard to understand something that has been with you for this long, do you remember the feeling of how it felt when these souls left the body, are we on the same weakness forgive me, illness, this isn’t a cry for help, its an affirmation of this n so much more, its a resolution to this demise, at ease of this body, care to explain where this is all coming from, not understating the melody to its tunes, the lyrics to its song, but do you remember the beats, a meditation that is as distracting as this weakness, sorry, forgive me, illness sometimes I get the two confused, see, when you have been this weak, sorry, ill its hard to separate these two words from their conjoined sympathy, breathe, trigger words sound a lot like self care when it comes to the beat of this heart, the rhythm of this body to this mind the two souls its song been sang long before they knew its demise, memorize its lyrics to the right kind of melody, this song sings its anthem like it was the last calling for its demise, demise is another word for interchangeable, easily consumed, digest its ugly n regurgitate back its unwanted, this is self care in its purest form, pretty has always seen this ugly to allow this pretty, they won’t understand your narrative, if they they knew what ills, how it ills this mind this long, this whole time, they’ll call you mad, mental, won’t understand the way it has formed you into this beauty, catastrophically beautiful, the ones you can’t see just from looking, depression has this horrible way of teaching this body about its self in the most gut wrenching behavior, will never tell you what it is up to, likes surprises more than it can ever care to admit, n you have to choose to sit with its disrespectful beautiful until you fully become capable of what each miner unpleasant meant, comprehend its emotion, rearrange its narrative so there are no clear bias’s, n once again sit, n sit, with its uncomfortable until it passes, depression has a beautiful way of teaching this body about self, it manipulates the bad to be your shield n the good to be your conscious decision to always choose its demise, depression is an illness, it is never a weakness

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

17/4/16 – 18/4/16
A letter to my younger self
I don’t even know where to start, which wound to apologize for, will never forgot the tears that up to this day will never stop, if there was one thing I had to apologize for first, it would be for up to this day about the way you feel about yourself, that even when you were younger told nobody about your scars, that I was always there with you, for you, I told you I would never leave you, even that day when you fought with her again n you went downstairs feeling so much, you couldn’t tell which emotion came first, you took the biggest table knife you could find in the kitchen drawer, put your arm out, made sure your eyes were ready, took the knife helping it find its way over your bare skin, you were only 12, this is what you wanted her to understand, even though it didn’t make sense to anybody but yourself, you tried to make her look as you cried for all you insecurities, your broken body, the pain, the emotion that you didn’t understand, you tried to make her feel what you felt but she didn’t understand even when that knife scrapped your bare skin several times, she never looked back, she never tried to look back, it was at that moment you felt that she didn’t care, that it wouldn’t matter, that you wouldn’t care if your blood found its way to the floor, a puddle of emotion, when I think about how when you were little you tried to make sense of so many things, but nothing was working, nothing felt the way it suppose to, there so many things to apologize for n I’m sorry about them, I’m sorry that even up to this day you still cry every single night, I’m sorry that even though you smile its not enough to fix the emotional anxiety, anxiety, something you can’t stop doing, I’m sorry that there’s nothing to really be appreciative of, all I can say is that at least now, I’m getting help, I’m trying so hard to be better for you, I made a promise to myself to be happy, to try n be positive, its all so hard even now, but I’m thankful I’m here today, I just want to make us happy, make these feelings stop, I want us to move forward, to be happy, so I’m getting help for the both of us

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

9/4/16 – 10/4/16
Its not always what it seems

Once again I’m feeling too much, caring too much, hurting too, been hurting way too much, miscounting all the excuses, not excuses, feelings, miscounting the amount of time I’ve been feeling, something like complicated, like my body is tired, like my mouth doesn’t have anymore left to say, like my mind is thinking too much, overthinking too much, I can’t just do anything anymore without thinking, overthinking, I think its starting to be become a problem, we all have something that we do too much, that it starts to become something we can’t stop noticing, realize, its all just too much, lately, I’ve been doing things I don’t usual do, then regret them even more than the first time, just to see if they were really the wrong thing, but lately it’s been happening too often, I don’t want to do anything that will harm this soul, that will cause it be be this hard, this closed, this silenced, I want to change, I’m starting to think that I should probably get these feelings figured out, I want someone to talk to, someone I can tell these things without feeling like a part of me is saying, what do you think your doing, showing all your insecurities, baring so much to someone, anyone, don’t do this, you’ll regret telling them, even though you can trust them you don’t trust yourself, but I just want someone to listen, someone to tell me its all going to be okay, that this will get better, that there is nothing wrong with the way your thinking, you’ll be okay, I don’t want anyone to tell me how I should feel, how they think it should feel, how they feel, I just want someone to listen, I want them to make a note of it so they can come up with the answers, because I’ve been trying to solve this all on my own, and I can’t help but feel broken, the internal cracks they’ve left are too much to handle, too much to comprehend, its all just too much, I need someone to help me understand this all, I just want someone to talk to, someone who truly understands, acknowledge, that its hard, that I’m trying my best, that I’m worth all the effort, that I can love myself, and be loved back, that love can be reciprocate, that love is something beautiful, that it doesn’t always tare you down, building walls, bridges, barriers, but will make you better, will be emotionally worth the pain, that just because there’s pain I shouldn’t give up, I feel better now, I’m the only one left that I can talk to, I’m trying to fix the me that I think is broken so much, but its been so long, the tools god has given me are failing at my bare hands, I don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve had enough, of feeling like I don’t want to live like this anymore, I’m scared of telling the doctor, because I don’t want them to think that I’m making this up, that its all in my head, that its nothing, but when your feeling this way, nothing makes any sense, so you’ll tell the doctor the truth, that this is your truth, that your not lying, that every time you feel like this nothing else matters, its as though the earth has broken in two, and your the only one left to deal with the wreckage, this is what if feels like, this is your reality, you’ll tell the doctor that you don’t want to be broken anymore, that you want to be fixed, you’ll look at them with your hands in soft fists, take a short breath and say, I’ve got no where else to go, no one left to turn to, you want to get better, so you’ll bite your lip, close you eyes and repeat, please fix me, I want to get better for myself, and open your eyes

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate

4/3/16 – 5/3/16
M.B.A: Whats left

You struck a cord, turn me into love game, turn this jagged into self pity, look at what you’ve done

You play this game too often, I should’ve known it could never be this easy

Its moments like these, that teach girls that this is what they are capable of and it all stops right there, as they hand you themselves, you hand them blood thirsty, teeth, scars, wounds, trailing holes into themselves leaving emotional damage of where their trust in boys, men will mutate

Can’t  you see what you’ve done, taking broken and giving it a chance, her taking unworthy giving it a chance, look at this cult of broken hearts, pretty words with empty sounds

You’ll never comprehend, this is where and why us girls learn that our bodies are like diamonds, precious, before we even learn the meaning of our emotional worth

It is why they say do not trust, treat your body like you’re beautiful, you are beautiful, be self less, be blunt dager, be so much conversation, but never forget you are worth every worship, never forget it is them who suffer most when a good thing is gone

Poetry: Melody of Being Animate


M.B.A: We made magic

Take me back, that night I learned how to fall again, the place where we danced felt like it was resurrected out of a beautiful love song, as I’m dedicating this, I am remembering detailed parts where you uncovered so much, told us your story, making our way back to our dance floor, you softy took my hand in yours without letting go, the way I didn’t let you go, what felt like our moment, our song, each song became a recurring memory, you became a recurring memory, your touch keeping me from being anywhere but too close, as your fingertips strum my skin, your eye gazing, I dare say hypnotized, I remember the way your eyes hid behind the dark corner, we became so much magic that night, hidden behind your glasses, as the dj’s light bounced off each beat, I’ll never forget the way I, backed up to that corner, the way your feet followed in my footsteps without no hezitation, bitting my lip pulling you so close, but what lingers the most is the way we made magic out of that night, it was the way our lips kissed, leaving ache for more, it was the way, I bit your bottom lip, n how you reciprocated with biting my tongue, I’ll never forget this magic, it was the day after when I had finally allowed myself to forget about him, you became a heartbeat, you have what I’ve told myself I can not leave without, something that’s growing too big for my insides to hold on to, this poem could never capture its magic, its my devoted weakness, this feeling quickly mutated into infatuation, you were all I could think about